where education, care & play go hand in hand

2 Year old nursery funding

Am I Eligible for the 2 year funding?

Your two year old can receive funded early education and childcare if your receive one of the following:

  • Income support
  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Universal Credit
  • Tax credits and you have an annual income of under £16,190 before tax
  • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Support through part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act
  • The Working Tax Credit 4-week run on (this is the payment you get when you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credits)

What funding will I actually get?

You'll be entitled to up 15 hours of funded childcare a week (570 hours per year).  We’ve worked hard to balance the funding with our ability to bring you really supportive, quality care. You will still use these hours within the year, as 11 hours per week across 51 weeks of the year.

When can my funding start?

You can claim up to 15 hours of free childcare from the start of the term after your child turns 2.

For example, if your child’s birthday is in February, provided you are eligible for 15 hours you’ll get the funding from April.

When should I apply?

You will be eligible for the funding from the start of the first term after your child's second birthday.

To make sure you get your code as soon as possible, you’ll need to apply before the end of the previous term. You don’t have to wait until then though. You can apply for your code up to 16 weeks before their second birthday, and it’s a good idea to do it early, just in case you need any help. If you do, just ask.

How do I apply?

Just go to http://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk to apply. Once you’re done, they’ll send you a code, which you’ll need to give to us so we can set your funded hours up.

Do I need to apply again for the next term?

Yes. The way the scheme’s set up, you’ll be asked to confirm you’re still eligible every three months. It only takes a minute or two to do, and you’ll be sent a reminder when it’s time.

Is the funding just available in term time?

Small World Nursery is a day care setting so we stretch your funding across 51 weeks of the year that the nursery is open (the nursery is closed for one week over Christmas)

Do I need to use all my hours?

No not at all, just use the hours you would like to.

Book Your Tour Around The Nursery

We welcome parents and carers to come and take a look
around our fabulous nursery, based in West Watford.

Please give us a call on 01923 230300

Our address:

22 Tolpits Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD18 6AA
(Entrance via Croxley View – see map below)

Opening Hours:


Opening Time: 7:30am | Closing Time: 6:00pm

Various sessions available